The Checks and Balances Network (CBN) is a civic movement in which nearly 300 NGOs (working at the national and local level) and tens of thousands of supporters and followers from different political backgrounds work together to strengthen participatory and pluralistic democracy.
We all have different approaches, we support different political parties, but we are always by democracy’s side in our efforts. What we have in common is that we think it is essential to have strong checks and balances to secure freedom, equality, stability, justice, prosperity and peace. We are open to participation of all NGOs who share the same demands as in our declaration.
The Network, which came together in 2011 during the period of drafting a new constitution, aims to contribute to strengthening the system of checks and balances in Turkey, which is indispensable to Turkey's democratization, by conducting monitoring, policymaking, public opinion building, and advocacy activities.
Priorities of our network in line with this target are to generate reliable and impartial information to contribute to citizens to make decisions consciously and carry out efforts for establishment awareness about active citizenship. The CBN operates through “reform groups” working in seven areas where reform is needed for a functioning system of checks and balances. These reform groups address the constitution, legislative, executive, judiciary, media, local governments, and civil society.
Our network is composed of NGOs from all around Turkey active in different fields. We are open to participation of all NGOs who share the same demands as in our declaration.
Contact us now to join our network!
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